50 highway dividers bought 2007, waiting to be moved
Shore erosion is a never ending problem, I purchased fifty used highway dividers from the village of Nakusp, the plan is to use them in places where erosion is bad, plus to replace a old log bulkhead
a 1/2 days work
Three at a time, one mile round trip, 22 minutes per trip
Will wait now until the lake covers the fresh gravel
(6-8 weeks) the gravel will settle and become hard packed. This fall I will tear out the old bulkhead and add anouther set of highway dividers. The one visable divider on the right side is the start of the 2nd layer, it is there now to act as a anchor for a small boom log that I keep in place to keep drift from entering the bay: see July photo's below

log bulkhead built 1978
inspection time
Lake is at normal full mark, it may be raised 2 feet more in emergency
July 2009